Hi and welcome to my store!
I created Shirty to design and source clothes and accessories that act as a prompt or reminder for the woman buying them (or receiving them) to go out and grab life by the balls and seize the day - T-shirts with funny, provocative slogans; bamboo cups with powerful (but not preachy) statements about the importance of recycling and reusing; funky woollen bobbly and beanie hats to remind us to pull one on and get outdoors.
So, what prompted me to create Shirty? Well, as a woman of a certain age, I understand that sometimes we can lose sight of what fires us up, gets us going, creates a frisson of excitement. Often because we’re busy. Busy looking after our loved ones, our house, our place of work. I quite often feel like this and will spend many an evening discussing with friends.
However, I think it’s so important to make time to remind ourselves of who we are, what makes us tick – what we have yet to do. I want my products to act as a reminder and practical prompt to keep in touch with that part of ourselves – the part that is fierce, bold and inquisitive.
So, I truly hope you like what you see in my little shop and if you choose to buy or gift the products that call to you, you’ll be creating a life that fits best with your vibe and dancing to your own tune.
Finally, for those of you that enjoy being part of a community of like-minded people, check out our sister Instagram page Hot and Not Bothered (@hotandnotbothereduk)
Elaine x